Saturday, July 25, 2009

Whoo-hoo! And Things to Do

Hello Cousins and the rest! It's only seven days until Jennifer and Sean's wedding and only eight days until the unofficial start of Cousin Camp.

Before I get to the list of what you need to bring, let me remind you of how funny our family is. We seem to avoid adding new names to our group. For example, we started out with one Michael (Grandma) and ended up with four more. We had one Sean, added another and soon we'll have one more! And we have two Megans. In the same fashion, we try not to add too many extra birthdays, either. Olivia and Uncle Sean share one. Michael McKenna tried to join in that one but missed by an inch. Aunt Shannon and Daniel share one. Am I missing any? I know we have quite a few near-misses.

OK. On to business. You all know basically what to bring, but I'll remind you a few things just in case. I made a list a few weeks back and I'm going to refer to it now so I don't forget anything.

Beach towel; Scrapbooking Supplies; Cooler; T-Shirts for T-Shirt Making; Games; Field Day Game Supplies (jump rope? potato sacks?); Camera; Blanket and Pillow (I have some but probably not enough); Ca... Hmm. Ca - what? My writing is gibberish! All I can read is the first two letters! What would I want you guys to bring that started with a Ca? Catfish? Canasta? Carpeting? Cantaloupe? Calliope? Ca...well, if you figure it out be sure to bring it.

I'll have all the food we need for Sunday along with some of the basics, and I figure the grown-ups can sit down together, look at the menu and decide how much of everything we need to keep our strength up during the week. The great thing is, we're close to civilization so we don't have to worry if we forget something.

I will be seeing you all real soon!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Only Twelve More Days

I can't believe how soon CC is going to be here! It felt like such a looooooong time and now we're down to 12 measly days!

Uncle Donnie designed a special logo for our Cousin Camp 2009 enjoyment - isn't it awesome?! I love it. Make sure you have your shirt ready for the big event. If you still need a logo, let Aunt Brandi know. She will tell you how to get one.

In the next few days I'll be posting a list of things to bring. I love you all and can't wait to see you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Just some fun photos

I don't have many photos to choose from, but I thought these were fun! Don't forget, if you have some CC pictures you can email them to me at I'll post them and give you the credit.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!

Ahh, the 4th of July! The perfect time to consider what an awesome country we live in! I hope you thought a bit about just what a miracle America is, while you were eating hot dogs off the grill and watching fireworks.

I was up at the cottage preparing for Cousin Camp. We've got a really nice beach for the bigger kids, and a little beach area for the little kids. The fire ring is all cleaned out, we've got plenty of wood, and Uncle Ken and I are prepping the boats so we've got lots of transportation on the water. It is going to be FANTASTIC!

Do you know who the apostle Paul is? He was a great Christian who didn't believe that Jesus was God until he got blinded by a bright light on the road to Damascus and heard Jesus speak to him from heaven. That helped him become a believer pretty quick! Once he became a Christian, Paul started a lot of churches and traveled all around the world. While he was traveling, he wrote letters to the churches to encourage the people and teach them how to be good Christians. In fact, his letters are a big part of the Bible. And in his letters, he wrote prayers! He was an excellent pray-er, and he told the people what he was praying for them. I think that is such a great idea, I'm going to do the same thing. I'm going to pray for all of you and tell you what I'm praying - like Paul did.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the people whom we love and that love us - these are the people who look forward to Cousin Camp and make it so fun. I ask that your Spirit be with us every day and every night, so that we can grow in love for each other and love for You. Amen!

We are going to have a great time! A blessed time! And I have a special request for every cousin: When you say your prayers each night, ask God to bless our time at Cousin Camp, and all the people who come to stay or just to visit. And if you feel like it, you can leave a comment and tell us what you're praying for-just like the apostle Paul did.

Aunt Shannon