Saturday, July 25, 2009

Whoo-hoo! And Things to Do

Hello Cousins and the rest! It's only seven days until Jennifer and Sean's wedding and only eight days until the unofficial start of Cousin Camp.

Before I get to the list of what you need to bring, let me remind you of how funny our family is. We seem to avoid adding new names to our group. For example, we started out with one Michael (Grandma) and ended up with four more. We had one Sean, added another and soon we'll have one more! And we have two Megans. In the same fashion, we try not to add too many extra birthdays, either. Olivia and Uncle Sean share one. Michael McKenna tried to join in that one but missed by an inch. Aunt Shannon and Daniel share one. Am I missing any? I know we have quite a few near-misses.

OK. On to business. You all know basically what to bring, but I'll remind you a few things just in case. I made a list a few weeks back and I'm going to refer to it now so I don't forget anything.

Beach towel; Scrapbooking Supplies; Cooler; T-Shirts for T-Shirt Making; Games; Field Day Game Supplies (jump rope? potato sacks?); Camera; Blanket and Pillow (I have some but probably not enough); Ca... Hmm. Ca - what? My writing is gibberish! All I can read is the first two letters! What would I want you guys to bring that started with a Ca? Catfish? Canasta? Carpeting? Cantaloupe? Calliope? Ca...well, if you figure it out be sure to bring it.

I'll have all the food we need for Sunday along with some of the basics, and I figure the grown-ups can sit down together, look at the menu and decide how much of everything we need to keep our strength up during the week. The great thing is, we're close to civilization so we don't have to worry if we forget something.

I will be seeing you all real soon!

1 comment:

  1. Does the (ca) stand for cash! We need it to buy groceries and other things.

    Love, cole
